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  • poliamida reforzada (nylon) fibra de vidrio larga
    nylon poliamida fibra de vidrio larga reforzada pa6
    nylon poliamida fibra de vidrio larga reforzada pa6 , material compuesto de pa6 reforzado con fibra de vidrio larga Preparado por solución de impregnación del proceso.
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  •  LFT pa12 poliamida de fibra de carbono larga nailon12 polímero de pellets
    LFT mejora de materias primas plásticas PA12 poliamida lgf para el parachoques del coche
    pa12 lft gránulos largos de fibra de carbono poyamide12 compuesto de material negro
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  • PA66-NA-LCF30
    LFT-G PA66 Compuesto de Nylon66 Fibra de carbono larga 20% -60% Moldeo por inyección de mayor rendimiento
    Polyamide series Nylon is the common name of polyamide (PA), is the general term for thermoplastic resins containing repeated amide groups on the main chain of the molecule, including aliphatic polyamide, aliphatic aromatic polyamide and aromatic polyamide. As the first of the five engineering plastics, nylon has an extremely wide range of industrial applications, mainly used in automotive parts, mechanical parts, electronic and electrical appliances, cosmetics, adhesives and packaging materials and other fields. Among them, aliphatic polyamide, mainly nylon 66, is the most productive and widely used. Polyamide66 Nylon 66 (PA66) is a kind of polyamide formed by the condensation of adipic acid and adipdiamine. The molecular formula is shown in the figure Advantages: high strength, corrosion resistance, good wear resistance, and has self-lubrication, flame retardant, non-toxic environmental protection and other excellent performance. Disadvantages: poor heat and acid resistance, low impact strength in dry state and low temperature, water absorption greatly affects the dimensional stability and electrical properties of products. Long carbon fiber filling PA6 Long carbon fiber is an inorganic polymer material with more than 90% carbon content, which is obtained by carbonization and graphitization of organic fibers. The microstructure of long carbon fiber is similar to that of artificial graphite (C atoms arranged in layers). Advantages: light weight, high strength, high modulus, high temperature resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, electrical and thermal conductivity, etc. Disadvantages: high cost, relatively difficult to infiltrate, poor transparency, defects difficult to check, etc. According to the source of carbon fiber, long carbon fiber can be divided into: Polyacrylonitrile-based long carbon fiber Asphaltic long carbon fiber Viscosified long carbon fiber Long carbon fiber composite material is a very useful structural material, it is not only light, high temperature resistance, but also has a high tensile strength and elastic modulus, is the manufacturing of spacecraft, rockets, missiles, high-speed aircraft and large passenger aircraft indispensable components of the material. It is also widely used in transportation, chemical industry, metallurgy, construction and other industrial sectors as well as sports equipment. Datasheet for reference The density of A66/CF composite material is less than 1.3, which is less than one sixth of the density of steel (7.85), achieving the purpose of lightweight, which is conducive to energy saving and consumption reduction. In the PA66/CF composite system, the length of CF is about 0.5 ~ 0.7mm, the interface between PA66 matrix and carbon fiber is fully combined, and nylon 66 is well wrapped around carbon fiber. The fracture surface of PA66/CF sample is rough, and the PA66/CF composite is a ductile material. Compared with PA66, the mechanical properties of PA66/CF composites are significantly improved. Trade fairs we attended Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., Ltd. es una empresa de marca que se enfoca en LFT y LFRT. Serie de fibra de vidrio larga (LGF) y serie de fibra de carbono larga (LCF). El termoplástico LFT de la compañía se puede usar para moldeo por inyección y extrusión LFT-G, y también se puede usar para moldeo LFT-D. Se puede producir de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente: 5~25 mm de longitud. Los termoplásticos reforzados con infiltración continua de fibra larga de la compañía han pasado la certificación del sistema ISO9001 y 16949, y los productos han obtenido muchas marcas comerciales nacionales y muchas patentes.
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  • PA12-NA-LGF30
    Relleno de plástico reforzado con LFT PA12 fibra de vidrio larga color blanco original para piezas deportivas y energía solar
    PA12 El nailon 12 es el menos denso de la serie de nailon con 1,02. Sus características incluyen baja absorción de agua, buena estabilidad dimensional, buena resistencia a bajas temperaturas, hasta -70 ℃; Bajo punto de fusión, procesamiento de formación fácil, el rango de temperatura de formación es amplio; La estabilidad química suave, la resistencia al aceite, la resistencia al desgaste son buenas y es un material autoextinguible. La temperatura de uso a largo plazo es de 80 ℃ (hasta 90 ℃ después del tratamiento térmico), puede funcionar a 100 ℃ durante mucho tiempo en aceite, el gas inerte puede funcionar a 110 ℃ durante mucho tiempo. Fibra de vidrio larga Los termoplásticos reforzados con fibra larga (termoplásticos reforzados con fibra), denominados LFT, se refieren a materiales compuestos reforzados con fibra de vidrio (LFT) con una longitud de más de 5 mm, tienen buenas propiedades de procesamiento de moldeo, se pueden moldear por inyección, moldeo, extrusión y otros procesos , Cuando se forma, el plástico tiene buena fluidez de moldeo y se puede formar a baja presión. Se puede formar en productos con formas complejas y la masa aparente de los productos es mejor que GMT. TDS solo como referencia Solicitud Embalaje Introducción a la industria LFT y LFRT, los plásticos de ingeniería termoplásticos reforzados con fibra larga, en comparación con los termoplásticos reforzados con fibra corta convencionales, suelen tener una longitud de fibra de menos de 1 a 2 mm en los termoplásticos reforzados con fibra corta convencionales, mientras que el proceso LFT los plásticos de ingeniería termoplásticos producidos han sido capaces para mantener longitudes de fibra por encima de 5 a 25 mm. La fibra larga se impregna con un sistema de resina especial para obtener una tira larga que se humedece lo suficiente con la resina y luego se corta en la longitud deseada según sea necesario. La resina matriz más utilizada es PP, seguida de PA6, PA66, PPA, PA12, MXD6, PBT, PET, TPU, PPS, LCP, PEEK y similares. Las fibras convencionales incluyen fibra de vidrio y fibra de carbono. Las fibras especiales incluyen fibra de basalto y fibra de cuarzo. La LFT del material de fibra larga puede lograr mejores propiedades mecánicas.
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  • PA66-NA-LGF30
    lft-g PA66 material reforzado fibra de vidrio larga 30% especificación Poliamida66 plástico modificado
    ¿Qué es PA66? PA66, abreviatura de Poliamida 66, nombre químico poliadiptil adiptil diamina, comúnmente conocido como nylon 66. Es un polímero termoplástico semicristalino transparente e incoloro, ampliamente utilizado en automóviles, aparatos electrónicos, instrumentos mecánicos, piezas industriales y otras industrias. ¿Qué es PA66-LGF? Sin embargo, debido a la gran absorbencia del propio nailon, la escasa resistencia a los ácidos, la baja resistencia al impacto del estado seco y la baja temperatura, y la fácil deformación después de la absorción de agua, la estabilidad dimensional del producto se ve afectada, por lo que su rango de aplicación se limita a algunos medida. Con el fin de mejorar las deficiencias anteriores, ampliar su campo de aplicación y cumplir mejor con los requisitos de rendimiento, las personas adoptan una variedad de métodos para modificar el plástico PA66, a fin de mejorar la propiedad de impacto, la propiedad de deformación térmica, la propiedad de procesamiento de formación y la corrosión química. resistencia. Debido a que la resistencia específica y el módulo de Young de la fibra de vidrio (LGF) son 10~20 veces mayores que los de PA66, el coeficiente de expansión lineal es aproximadamente 1/20 del PA66, la absorción de agua es cercana a cero y tiene buena resistencia al calor y a los productos químicos, el relleno de fibra de vidrio es el método de modificación de mejora más utilizado de PA66. PA66 es la variedad de mayor resistencia mecánica y la más utilizada en la serie PA. Debido a su alta cristalinidad, tiene una gran rigidez y resistencia al calor. TDS Polímero cristalino opalescente translúcido u opaco con plasticidad. Posee excelente resistencia al desgaste, auto lubricidad y alta resistencia mecánica. Solicitud 1. La industria del automóvil Because of its excellent heat resistance, chemical resistance, strength and convenient processing, nylon 66 has been widely used in the automobile industry. At present, it can be used in almost all parts of the automobile, such as the engine parts, electrical parts and body parts. The engine part includes the intake system and the fuel system, such as the engine cylinder head cover, throttle, air filter machine housing, vehicle air horn, vehicle air conditioning hose, cooling fan and its housing, water inlet pipe, brake oil tank and cover, and so on. Body parts include: car fender, rear view mirror frame, bumper, dashboard, luggage rack, door handle, wiper bracket, seat belt buckle, interior decoration and so on. Car electric appliances such as electric control doors and Windows, connectors, crisper, cable tie wire. 2. Electronic and Electrical industries PA66 can produce electronic and electrical insulation parts, precision electronic instrument parts, electrical lighting appliances and electronic and electrical parts, can be used to make rice cookers, electric vacuum cleaners, high-frequency electronic food heaters, etc. PA66 has excellent solder resistance and is widely used in the production of junction boxes, switches and resistors. Flame retardant grade PA66 can be used for color TV wire clip, fixing clip and focusing knob. 3. Machinery transportation and machinery and equipment industry PA66 can be used for door handles of passenger cars and brake joint discs of freight cars. Other products such as insulation washer, baffle seat, turbine, propeller shaft, screw propeller and sliding bearing on ship can also be made with PA66. High impact resistance nylon 66 can also be made pipe pliers, plastic molds, radio control body, etc. Unreinforced grade nylon 66 is usually used to manufacture nuts, bolts, screws, nozzles, etc. with low creep and no corrosion. Reinforced grade nylon 66 used in the production of chains, conveyor belts, fan blades, impeller and scaffolding fixed foot buckle. Details Number Color Length MOQ Package Sample Delivery time Port of Loading PA66-NA-LGF30 Original color 12mm 25kg 25kg/bag Available 7-15 days after shipment Xiamen Port Frequently asked questions 1. How to choose the fiber content of the product? Is the larger product suitable for higher fiber content material? A. This is not absolute. The content of glass fiber is not more is better. The suitable content is just to meet the requirements of each products. 2. Can products with appearance requirements be made of long-fiber materials? A. The main feature of LFT-G thermoplastic long glass fiber and long carbon fiber is to show the mechanical properties. If the customer has bright or other requirements for the appearance of the product, it needs to be evaluated in combination with specific products. 3. How to choose the reinforcement method and length of the material when using long fiber reinforced thermoplastic material? A. The selection of materials depend on the requirements of the products. It is necessary to assess how much the content is enhanced and how much length is more appropriate, which are depending on the performance requirements of the prod...
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  • PA66-NA-LGF40
    Compuestos de fibra de vidrio larga de poliamida6 PA6 de alta tenacidad para electrodomésticos, herramientas eléctricas
    PA6-LGF Los plásticos modificados con PA6 toman una porción de PA6 pura como matriz y mejoran las propiedades internas y externas a través de la mezcla, el relleno, el fortalecimiento, la copolimerización, la reticulación y otros métodos, lo que representa aproximadamente el 15 % del campo de aplicación de PA6. El contenido de fibra de vidrio larga es del 20 % al 60 %, y el contenido de fibra de vidrio larga se controla de acuerdo con las diferentes características del producto. Tiene las características de alta resistencia, resistencia superior al calor, buena resistencia al impacto y puede reemplazar el peso ligero de algunos materiales metálicos. Es ampliamente utilizado en carcasas de herramientas eléctricas, herramientas de jardín, engranajes, equipos deportivos, autopartes, etc. Otras especificaciones de PA6-LGF PA6 ignífugo PA6 material has poor flame retardant performance and belongs to flammable materials, but flame retardants can change the combustion characteristics of polymers. Through mechanical mixing method, flame retardants are added to the master material to change the flammable characteristics. The products are divided into: nitrogen flame retardants, phosphorus flame retardants, environmental protection bromine flame retardants, mineral filled flame retardants, which can be used in switches, low-voltage electrical housing, wiring terminals, circuit breakers, etc. Toughen PA6 Mixed with an appropriate amount of toughening agent, the product has the characteristics of low temperature resistance, high flexibility, high fluidity, low shrinkage, low water absorption, high impact resistance, aging resistance and so on. It can be used for baby carriage parts, rolling belts, line clips, connectors and so on. Application In addition to the above applications, in high-end fields such as rail transit, medical treatment, military industry and aerospace, nylon 6 modified plastics are used more and more widely, and PA6 modified plastics are used everywhere in daily life. TDS for reference Nylon reinforced material is made of PA6/PA66 resin as the base material and adding a certain proportion of glass fiber modification. Because nylon itself is not strong enough, by adding 20 to 60 percent of the fiber, to increase its strength. In particular, 30% strength is considered the most appropriate ratio. Also added to 40-50%, according to the specific requirements of different products, coupled with the appropriate formula, can be successful. Advantage of Long glass fiber compounds 1. After glass fiber reinforcement, glass fiber is a high temperature resistant material, therefore, the heat resistance temperature of reinforced plastics is much higher than before without glass fiber, especially nylon plastics; 2. After glass fiber reinforcement, due to the addition of glass fiber, limited the mutual movement between polymer chains of plastics, therefore, the shrinkage rate of reinforced plastics decreases a lot, rigidity is greatly improved; 3. After glass fiber reinforcement, the reinforced plastic will not stress crack, at the same time, the anti-impact performance of plastic is improved a lot; 4. After glass fiber reinforcement, glass fiber is a high strength material, which also greatly improves the strength of plastic, such as: tensile strength, compression strength, bending strength, improve a lot; 5. glass fiber reinforced after, due to the addition of glass fiber and other additives, the combustion performance of reinforced plastics decreased a lot, most of the material can not ignite, is a kind of flame retardant material. Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., Ltd. Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., Ltd. is a brand-name company that focuses on LFT&LFRT. Long Glass Fiber Series (LGF) and Long Carbon Fiber Series (LCF). The company's thermoplastic LFT can also be used for LFT-D molding. It can be produced according to customer requirements: 5~25mm length. The company's long-fiber continuous infiltration reinforced thermoplastics have passed ISO9001&16949 system certification, and the products have obtained lots of national trademarks and patents.
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  • PA12-NA-LGF30
    LFT-G PA12 Relleno de Poliamida12 Compuestos largos de fibra de vidrio de alta rigidez y tenacidad
    PA12 PA12 polyamide or nylon 12 Chemical and physical properties of PA12 PA12 is a linear, semi-crystalline - crystalline thermoplastic material from butadiene. Its properties are similar to PA11, but its crystal structure is different. PA12 is a good electrical insulator and will not be affected by moisture as other polyamides. PA12 has good impact resistance mechanical and chemical stability. There are many improved varieties of PA12 in terms of plasticizing and reinforcing properties. Compared with PA6 and PA66, these materials have lower melting point and density, and have very high moisture recovery. PA12 has no resistance to strong oxidizing acids. The viscosity of PA12 depends mainly on humidity, temperature and storage time. PA12 It's very liquid. The shrinkage rate of PA12 is between 0.5% and 2%, depending on the variety of PA12 material, wall thickness and other process conditions. PA12 compounds plastic Nylon glass fiber material is a kind of composite material, adding glass fiber on the basis of the original nylon material, so that the material has the following characteristics: High temperature resistance, good dimensional stability, good toughness, good insulation, corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength. LGF & SGF Compared with the short fiber, it has more excellent performance in mechanical properties. It is more suitable for large products and structural parts. It has 1-3 times higher (toughness) than short fiber, and the tensile strength (strength and rigidity) is increased by 0.5-1 times. Datasheet for reference Application ■ Power tools: cutting machine, electric saw, electric drill, Angle grinder, polishing machine, electric hammer, electric pick, hot air gun and other models; ■ Automotive industry: cooling chamber, intake manifold, frame bracket, ventilation grille, door handle, throttle body and other models; ■ Industria de maquinaria: bomba de agua, válvula de agua, cojinete, manguito del eje, engranaje, soporte y otros modelos; ■ Equipos deportivos: equipos de esquí, cochecitos de bebé, piezas de equipos de gimnasia y otros modelos; ■ Equipo de oficina: soporte de asiento, polea, eje giratorio, engranaje triturador, piezas de impresora y otros modelos; Certificación Fábrica Paquete Por qué elegirnos
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  • PA6-NA-LCF50
    LFT-G PA6 LCF nylon6 relleno largo material reforzado con fibra de carbono de alta calidad para la fabricación de cascos
    Polyamide6 Nylon 6 (PA6) as a general engineering plastics, with light weight, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, good toughness and other characteristics, and as a common thermoplastic resin, its heating can be softened, cooling can be hardened, and can be repeatedly heated softening, cooling hardening, repeated processing characteristics. Long carbon fiber With high strength, high modulus, large specific surface area and aspect ratio, and high electrical conductivity, carbon fiber fabrics have superior mechanical properties compared to glass fiber and can provide maximum strength in the fiber direction. Carbon fiber reinforced composites are stronger than polymer matrix materials, while maintaining the advantage of light weight, and are gradually replacing traditional metal materials in the fields of electronic products, electric vehicles, medical devices, industrial equipment and sports and leisure products. LCF VS SCF Advantage of LCF (1) High strength and high toughness (2) Small coefficient of thermal expansion (3) Low hardness and light weight (4) Corrosion resistance and aging resistance (5) Temperature resistance TDS for reference Application Adecuado para la fabricación de cascos, parachoques de automóviles y brazos robóticos, etc. Certificaciones Moldeo por inyección Fábrica y almacén Equipos y Clientes Sobre nosotros Xiamen LFT composite plastic Co., Ltd es una empresa de marca que se enfoca en LFT y LFRT. Serie de fibra de vidrio larga (LGF) y serie de fibra de carbono larga (LCF). El termoplástico LFT de la compañía se puede usar para moldeo por inyección y extrusión LFT-G, y también se puede usar para moldeo LFT-D. Se puede producir de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente: 5~25 mm de longitud. Los termoplásticos reforzados con infiltración continua de la compañía han pasado la certificación del sistema ISO9001 y 16949, y los productos han obtenido muchas marcas comerciales y patentes nacionales.
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